
学会賞| Award
The 14th JSH International Symposium 2024 in Hakodate

19th EHA Congress Travel Award 受賞レポート 藤田(西山)由利子



名前:藤田(西山)由利子 【東京大学医科学研究所 先端医療研究センター分子療法分野】


Generation of multivirus-specific T cells by a single stimulation of PBMCs with a peptide mixture utilizing serum free medium

〇Yuriko Fujita* 1, Toshiaki Ono2, Nakaba Ochiai3, Ai Kawana-Tachikawa4, Ann M. Leen5, Helen E. Heslop5, Tomohiro Morio2, 3, Satoshi Takahashi1

1.Division of Molecular Therapy, Advanced Clinical Research Center, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, 2.Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Biology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 3.Center for Cell Therapy, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan, 4.Division of Infectious Disease, Advanced Clinical Research Center, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, 5.Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Methodist Hospital and Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, TX, United States


Extension to donors other than HLA-matched siblings following advanced immunosuppressive treatment has resulted in the emergence of viral infections as major contributors to morbidity and mortality after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). While pharmacological agents are standard therapy for some, they have substantial toxicities, generate resistant variants, and frequently ineffective. Moreover, immune reconstitution is necessary for long-term protection especially after HSCT.
Restoration of virus-specific immunity offers an attractive alternative to conventional drugs. Adoptive transfer of virus-specific CTLs from stem cell donors has been proved to be safe and effective to treat viral infection. Recently, the system of rapid generation of multivirus-specific T cells has been reported (Gerdemann, U, 2012). With this system, polyclonal CTLs specific for multivirus antigens can be produced after single stimulation of PBMCs with a peptide mixture spanning the target antigens in the presence of IL4 and IL7. We have introduced and verified this system to apply for clinical use in Japan. In terms of regulation by Japanese FDA, we have generated mutivirus-specific T cells using this method in serum-free medium, which have resulted in production of mutivirus-specific T cells with cell number of average 212.2×10^6 cells after 9-12 days of culture in RPMI+5%human serum(HS) versus average of 123.3×10^6 cells in serum-free medium(n=4), phenotype of average of CD3+ 97.7%, CD4+ 84.8%, CD8+ 11.7%, CD3+CD62L+CD45RO+ 89.0% in RPMI+5%HS versus average of CD3+98.9%, CD4+ 74.4%, CD8+ 14.8%, CD3+CD62L+CD45RO+ 93.2% in serum-free medium and viral antigens-specificity of average of 13.1% IFNγ production in RPMI+5%HS after antigen stimulation of EBV, adenovirus and cytomegalovirus antigens measured by intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) versus average of 18.7% in serum-free medium.
To meet the requirement for the viral infections after HSCT by broad viral antigens, target antigens have been extended from 3 (cytomegalovirus, EBV, adenovirus), 5 (addition of HHV-6 and BKV to 3) and 7 (addition of JC virus and VZV to 5) viruses. 20×10^6 of PBMCs were stimulated with peptide mixture spanning the target antigens of 7 viruses and cultured in serum-free medium with cocktail of IL4 and IL7 for 9-12 days to obtain 151.9×±39.6 ×10^6 cells(n=5). These cells were mostly CD3+ (average 95.6%), which contained both CD4+ (average 74.1%) and CD8+ (average 20.8%) cells and they expressed central memory markers(average 80% of CD3+CD62L+CD45RO+ cells). These single stimulated and cultured cells showed specificity toward the all 7 virus antigens measured by IFNγ production (average of total positive cells: 21.2% CD4+IFNγ+ cells and 5.1% CD8+IFNγ+ cells measured by ICS; n= 4) .
This approach can be readily introduced to clinical practice and is expected to be introduced to Japan as an alternative treatment/prevention for viral infection after HSCT to conventional therapy. We also seek a way to eventually establish a system to prepare multivirus-specific T cells by this rapid, easy and cost-effective method for third party use.


 この度は、19th Congress of European Hematology Association(EHA)で発表するにあたり日本血液学会EHA Travel Awardに採択していただき、誠にありがとうございました。
学会は6月12日から15日までイタリア・ミラノで開かれました。会場はMico Milano Congressiで、ミラノの歴史的な建造物の中でひときわ目立つ近代的な建物でした。会場に入ると、参加者達が足早に次々とチェックインしており、大規模な学会らしく活気に満ち溢れていました。様々なアクセントの英語が飛び交うのを耳にして、ヨーロッパ各地だけでなくオーストラリアやアメリカ、アジア等からの参加者がいることがわかりました。それぞれの分野で臨床、基礎研究を行っている方々と広く意見を交換しこの特別な機会を楽しもう、というとても良い雰囲気が感じられました。
 私達は米国ベイラー医科大学との共同研究で、同施設開発のウイルス特異的T細胞迅速作製法(Mol Ther. 20(8): 1622-32. 2012)を導入し検証を行いました。本方法は、免疫低下状態で罹患率・死亡率が高い複数のウイルスの免疫原性のある合成ペプチドで末梢血単核細胞を刺激し、ウイルス特異的T細胞を作製するというものです。遺伝子導入やウィルスベクターが不要でありさらに10-12日という短期間で作製が可能です。特に日本での臨床応用の際の規制対応のために、無血清培養系で、複数ウイルス特異的T細胞の作製を試み、これを発表しました。発表では同じ分野の研究者や医療従事者と意見を交わすことができ、とても貴重な経験になりました。


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