
学会賞| Award
The 14th JSH International Symposium 2024 in Hakodate

18th EHA Congress Travel Award 受賞レポート 吉里 哲一


吉里 哲一氏 

名前:吉里 哲一【東京大学医学部附属病院 がんゲノミクスプロジェクト】



Tetsuichi Yoshizato 1, Kohei Hosokawa 2, Kenichi Yoshida 1, Yusuke Okuno 3, Kenichi Chiba 4, Hiroko Tanaka 5, Yuichi Shiraishi 4, Yasunobu Nagata 1, Takamasa Katagiri 2, Ayana Kon 1, Masashi Sanada 1, Satoru Miyano 4, 5, Shinji Nakao 2, Seishi Ogawa 1

1Cancer Genomics Project, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 2Cellular Transplantation Biology, Division of Cancer Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, 3Depertment of Pediatrics, Graduate School of Medecine, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 4Laboratory of DNA information Analysis, Human Genome Center, 5Laboratory of Sequence Analysis, Human Genome Center, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan,


Acquired aplastic anemia (AA) is a prototype of idiopathic bone marrow failure, which is caused by autoimmune destruction of hematopoietic progenitors. However, its natural course could be more complicated than expected for a simple autoimmune disease, which is related in large part to the development of apparently clonal disorders such as paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), during its course. In addition, clonality in AA is one of the long standing issues, which is evident from the cytogenetic abnormalities and skewed pattern of X chromosome inactivation in some patients. Although these evidences suggest a pathogeneic link between these disorders, clonal architecture in AA has not been fully explored.

To genetically define the origin of clonal hematopoiesis in patients with acquired AA in terms of gene mutations.

We analyzed peripheral blood DNA samples from 192 patients with AA for genetic alterations, in which coding sequences of 51 genes, which include common target of somatic mutations in myeloid malignancies, such as RUNX1, ASXL1, TET2, IDH1/2, DNMT3A and major components of splicing factors, were captured by liquid phase hybridization and subjected to high-throughput sequencing using Illumina HiSeq 2000. Copy number alterations have been also examined using SNP arrays analysis in all cases.

About 40% were severe or very severe diseases. PNH-type cells and uniparental disomy at short arm of 6th chromosome (6pUPD) were found in 55% and 12%, respectively. Immunosuppressive therapies were performed in 70% of the cases. 32% of the cases had ATG. Response was obtained in 81% of the informative cases. 169 single nucleotide variants (SNV) are detected by target sequencing, which were subjected to deep sequencing. Finally 43 somatic mutations were detected in 34 patients (18%). Mutations were most frequently found in DNMT3A (7 mutations), followed by ZRSR2 (6), ASXL1 (5), BCOR (4), however TET2 mutations, which are most commonly observed in MDS, were not identified. Mutations were more biased to nonsense (11 mutations), frameshift (6), splice site changes (3) and non-frameshift indel (5), compared to missense (18). There was no significant difference in severity, positive PHN-type cells, 6pUPD, or copy number abnormalities between mutation positive and negative cases. Mutations were associated with older age (p=0.014) and higher response to immunosuppressive therapies (p=0.040). SNP array analysis revealed copy number abnormalities in 24/192 cases (12.5%), in whom 6pUPD were observed most commonly (6.3%), therefore 51/192 cases (26.6%) had evidence of clonal evolution. In most cases with more than 5 years observation periods, no progression to AML or MDS has been reported.

Summary / Conclusion
Although the role of observed mutations in evolution from AA to AML/MDS is still unclear, we revealed a new insight of clonality in AA. In the meeting, we will introduce our findings including clinical course in some typical AA cases with mutations.


今回、EHA Travel Awardを受賞し、6月13日から16日にスウェーデンの首都ストックホルムで開催されたThe 17th EHA congressに参加し、発表する機会をいただきました。学会は、Stockholmsmassanというストックホルム中心部から郊外電車に乗って15分程の距離にある国際展示場で行われました。



3日目・4日目にSimultaneous Session・Plenary Session・Presidential Sessionなどが開催されました。また、3日目にはEHA Travel Award受賞された他の先生方、推薦者・JSH leadershipの先生方と昼食をともにする機会をセッティングしていただきました。食事はトナカイ肉の煮込みをメインとしたコース料理でした。現在医師となって9年目となりますが、血液内科を専攻した時期は遅いこともあり、普段他施設の血液内科の先生方と交流する機会があまりなく、大いに刺激を受けました。

4日目に「MDS Biology」のセッションで後天性再生不良性貧血における遺伝子変異に関して発表させていただきました。昨年度の日本血液学会で発表させていただいたのと、ほぼ同じ内容でしたが、初めての国際学会での発表であり、非常に緊張しました。セッション終了後には、再生不良性貧血の第一人者であるNational Heart, Lung and Blood InstituteのNeal Young博士ともお話をする機会にも恵まれました。Neal Young博士は、15日のplenary sessionで「Telomeres, genetics and hematologic diseases: potential impact on clinical course and treatment」と題した講演で、再生不良性貧血におけるclonal evolutionなど今回発表させていただいた内容とも関連した発表をされており、大変勉強になりました。





吉里 哲一氏会場にて

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