
学会賞| Award
The 14th JSH International Symposium 2024 in Hakodate

24th EHA Congress Travel Award 受賞レポート 清木 祐介



名前:清木 祐介【筑波大学 血液内科】


Targeting T-cell receptor signaling pathway by dasatinib in relapsed/refractory angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma


Yusuke Kiyoki 1, 2, Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto 1, 2, 3, Tran B. Nguyen 1, Manabu Fujisawa 1, Yasuhito Nannya 4, Kantaro Ishitsuka 1, Haruka Momose 1, Shinichiro Sukegawa 3, Atsushi Shinagawa 5, Takuya Suyama 5, Yuji Sato 6, Hidekazu Nishikii 1, 2, 3, Naoshi Obara 1, 2, 3, Manabu Kusakabe 1, 2, 3, Seishi Ogawa 4, and Shigeru Chiba 1, 2, 3


1. Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2. Department of Hematology, University of Tsukuba Hospital
3. ‌Department of Hematology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
4. Department of Pathology and Tumor Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
5. Department of Hematology, Hitachi General Hospital
6. Department of Hematology, Tsukuba Memorial Hospital


Background: Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) is an intractable T-cell lymphoma. The recurrent hotspot (p.Gly17Val) mutations in RHOA encoding a small GTPase, together with the loss-of-function mutations in TET2 encoding an epigenetic regulator, are the genetic hallmark in AITL. We previously identified that the p.Gly17Val RHOA mutant hyperactivates T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling through direct binding to VAV1, a component of the TCR pathway. VAV1 mutations were also found in RHOA-negative AITL cases. The phosphorylation of VAV1 induced by the RHOA binding or its own amino acid changes was effectively inhibited by dasatinib at low concentrations. Dasatinib also prolonged the survival of AITL model mice (ASH 2017). Here, we performed a phase I clinical trial of dasatinib monotherapy in relapsed/refractory AITL patients.

Methods and Results: Five patients (one male and four females; 51-72 y/o; median, 65 y/o) being diagnosed with AITL were enrolled. Written informed consent was obtained from all the patients. The median number of prior chemotherapies was 2 (range, 1-5). Two patients (Patient 1 and 2) were refractory to the latest chemotherapies. One patient (Patient 3) relapsed after the autologous transplantation. The performance status was 0-2. Dasatinib was started at a dose of 100 mg/body q.d. and continued until days 10-78 (median day 58). Patient 2 withdrew the consent on day 10 and thus the response was not evaluable. In the remaining four patients, dasatinib was continued until day 54 or later and the response evaluation was possible. The trial was ultimately discontinued due to further treatment with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, disease progression, or severe adverse event in these four patients. Grade3/4 adverse drug reactions were observed in one case (Patient 5). The other adverse events were attributable to exacerbation of the diseases. There were no new safety concerns other than reported in BCR-ABL-positive chronic myelogenous leukemia/acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The maximum response was partial responses (PR) in all these four patients. The response at the discontinuation of trial was PR in two (Patient 1 and 5) and progressive disease (PD) in two (Patient 3 and 4).

 Targeted sequencing using a panel for 427 genes identified 34 candidate mutations including 22 nonsilent single nucleotide variants (SNVs), 2 nonsense mutations, 3 frameshift deletions, 2 frameshift insertions, 2 nonframeshift deletions, and one nonframeshift insertion. Two TET2 mutations were found in 4 samples (PAT1, PAT2, PAT4, and PAT5). The Gly17Val RHOA mutations were found by targeted sequencing in 2 samples (PAT3 and PAT4). VAV1 mutations were found in 2 samples (PAT2 and PAT5). Additionally one tandem duplication involving VAV1 locus was also identified by manual inspection of Integral Genome Viewer (IGV) in PAT5.

Conclusion: AITL is highly dependent on TCR signaling, and dasatinib appears to be a promising candidate treatment modality in AITL.


 この度は24th Congress of European Hematology Association(EHA)への参加にあたり,日本血液学会EHA Travel Awardに御採択いただきありがとうございました。今回のEHAはオランダ首都アムステルダムで2019年6月13日から6月16日の計4日間開催されました。学会開催期間中のアムステルダムの気候はやや悪く,雨が降ったり止んだりしておりました。時折肌寒さが感じられましたが,夕焼け時にCentraal Stationから見える街並みや運河はとても美しいものでした。今回は私にとって初めてのEHAの参加となりました。参加人数は12,000人を超え,セッション数はさほど多くはないものの,基礎・臨床ともに内容は濃く,どのセッションにおいても盛り上がりを見せておりました。



 他の発表については,数々の新規分子標的薬やCAR-T療法を中心としたがん遺伝子治療・免疫療法に関する臨床試験の報告が盛んに行われており,日本では未承認の薬剤が多いながらも治療選択肢が凄まじい勢いで増加していることを実感いたしました。また,clonal hematopoiesisやagingに関するセッションは非常に盛り上がっており,ほぼ満席となっておりました。agingによる造血細胞変化や,骨髄微小環境のremodelingなどについても,基礎から臨床のデータまで,最新の知見が要約されており,充実した内容でした。個人的には,末梢血のスメア像を機械学習させることにより末梢血像からclonal hematopoiesisが推測できないか試みている報告は興味深いものでした。基礎研究,臨床ともに国際的な知見を,演者より直接得ることができ,貴重な経験となりました。今後の自身の研究・臨床に活かしていきたいと思います。


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