The 87th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hematology


Call for Abstract

Guidelines for Abstracts from Overseas

Abstract Submission

February 12 (Wed.) – April 30(Wed.), 2025

Abstract submission is accepted only through online registration. You can access the abstract submission website via Fire Fox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Safari only. Please submit your abstract by April 30(Wed.), 2025 (Japan Time). You can revise or delete your abstract any time before the deadline, but please note that any submission, revision, replacement of abstract nor withdrawal are NOT acceptable after the deadline.


(1) The abstract must be original and unpublished.
(2) Language: English
(3) First author and co-author: maximum 30 persons (including the first author)
(4) First author and co-authors institution: maximum 30 institutions
(5) Volume (title): 100 characters or less including spaces and punctuations
(6) Volume (abstract body): 1,600 characters or less including spaces and punctuations
(7) Fill in all fields marked with (*) on the abstract submission form.
*The category list is below.

《JSH2025 Abstract Submission Categories and Keywords》

Abstract Submission Categories and Keywords

(8) Charts, images, tables and photographs are not accepted.
(9) All accepted abstracts will be published in the abstract book as it's submitted. Please check thoroughly.
(10) The Scientific Program Committee has the final decision right concerning the allocation of presentations.

A login ID for your submitted abstract will be issued automatically at the end of the online process. Your ID and password will not be reissued. If you do not receive any e-mail confirmation, please contact the congress secretariat (
Notification of acceptance will be informed in August, 2025 by e-mail.

Approval of IRB or ERB

In the case that a presentation theme relates to "Ethical guidelines for Clinical Research", the approval of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or the Ethical Review Board (ERB) is required. Please refer to the guideline of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology website

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

The presenting author is required to report applicable COI of not only the presenting author, but also all co-authors. In the case that there is any relevant financial relationship to disclose, submit the COI form to the JSH office at the time of abstract submission.
Please refer to the JSH website for details.

Travel Awards

Travel Awards: 100,000 JPY and Free Registration

Eligibility: Applicants must be
1) under / including the age of 45 at the first day of the Congress.
2) non- Japanese who resides in an Asian country (except Japan).
3) the first author of accepted abstracts.
Travel Awards, consisting of 100,000 JPY and free registration for the Congress, will be provided for investigators under/including the age of 45, from Asian countries (except Japan) with accepted abstracts. The applicants must have an academic track record in the field of hematology. This will usually be judged by some publications in peer reviewed journals and/or presentations of posters/ lectures at national or international meetings. To apply for the travel award, please check the option "Yes, I apply for Travel Award" when completing the abstract submission. The secretariat will contact later to request further information.

Abstract Submission

Encrypted text-based (recommended)

New Registration Confirmation / Modification
If you cannot use the encrypted text-based page, please try the plaintext-based page. New Registration Confirmation / Modification

If you have any queries please contact:

Congress Secretariat of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hematology

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